Most frequent questions and answers
How can people scan my QR code?
It is easy for customers to scan your QR codes whenever required. It is possible through the inbuilt camera app or google lens. Point the camera to the QR code, and you will instantly get access to the attached links, video, audio, and other essential data.
Where can I make a QR code?
Many online platforms and QR code generators help you create a QR code for yourself. Some of these platforms offer free services that help you get the best QR codes with no extra charges. The Trueqrcode generator can help you create one quickly and efficiently.
How long is my QR code valid?
QR codes do not have an expiration date. The QR codes are valid until the links attached are working and active. However, if there is a change in the domain of the business, all attached links will stop working, so QR codes attached will stop working as well.
Can I change the URL I used on my QR code?
Yes, you can change the URL used on the QR code anytime. This service works for dynamic QR codes, as static QR codes only save the information attached to them and do not permit making any changes. So, QR codes for businesses are usually dynamic, making it easy to edit and make required changes.
Can I see how often my QR code is scanned?
Yes, dynamic QR codes allow you to track the code and see how often the QR codes are scanned. Once created, the information on the record of the QR code can be easily tracked. The information includes the number of scans with their time, location, and scanning device used, as well as its operating system.